365 Days of Shakespeare

That's right – the Bard in a year.

Posts Tagged ‘100

100. WOW!!!

with 2 comments

I have officially hit 100 entries! This is so exciting…I have hit a major milestone, in my opinion. Call me crazy, but I think I just might make it to the 365-day mark!

All I am going to do for this entry is say a few words about what Shakespeare means to me (and I do mean a few words…because it is late and my fiance is on his way to my house soon, so I want to have as much time with him as possible!).

Shakespeare means beautiful words that express things in ways I can only dream of doing. Shakespeare means thrilling plots and heart-stopping soliloquies. Shakespeare means every character I have ever wanted to play. Shakespeare means timeless stories. Shakespeare means endless possibilities on the stage, screen, and page.

And so much more. But those are what come to mind immediately.

I can’t wait to see what the next 100 days bring for this blog…

Written by Caroline Mincks

January 10, 2010 at 12:29 AM

Posted in Uncategorized

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